⑨ lab ≡ ByteLabs


— Igor Böhm

My random collection of acme commands…

⑨ lab ≡ ACME…

Select, Search, Format

:, :0 :$ (Edit =)  (Edit ,d)              … all, begin, end, cur, del
(:/) (:-/) (:+/)   (|fmt)                 … search (back|fwd), fmt
(Edit |tr a-z A-Z) (Edit |tr A-Z a-z)     … (lower|upper) case
(Edit s/^/  /g)    (Edit s/^(  |	)//g) … (un)indent
(Edit s/^/> /g)    (Edit s/^> //g)        … (un)quote


Print all modified files:

Edit X/'/

Print all files:

Edit X/.*/

Save all modified files:

Edit X/'/ w

Find with Context

Find regexp in window:

Edit ,x/.*\n/ g/regexp/ {
	-1,+1 p

Find regexp across all windows:

Edit X/^[^\+].+/ {
	,x/.*\n/ g/regexp/ {
		-1,+1 p


Replace all occurrences of regexp with replacement in current selection:

Edit s/regexp/replacement/g

Replace all occurrences of regexp with replacement in current window:

Edit ,s/regexp/replacement/g

Replace all occurrences of regexp with replacement in all windows:

Edit X/^[^\+].+/ {
	,x/.*\n/ {

#Plan9 #Dev #9front