⑨ lab ≡ ByteLabs


Random work notes for esoteric use cases…

⑨ lab ≡ Go away…!

Go away…!


The notes on this page are not for you. Seriously, this stuff here is specialised for my use case only, go away…!

Converting Instruction Traces


Using rc, sed, and awk on Plan or plan9port:

 % cat cnv.rc
# -- Convert RASCAL VCS to nSIM style trace
fn Help{
	echo `{basename $0}^' < vcs.trc'
fn Convert{
# Example RASCAL VCS trace:
# …
# 184900:         -debug - 5e2b7f80|srl      10,[status32]   | limm:0000000a
# 185760:      86 000000b0 584a0000|movl     r0,0            | w0: r0  <- 00000000
# 185770:         000000b4 ----4104|movl_s   r1,r0           |
#       :        .000000b6 ----4204|movl_s   r2,r0           | w0: r2  <- 00000000 w2: r1  <- 00000000
# 185780:         000000b8 ----4304|movl_s   r3,r0           |
# …
# 1. *delete* lines starting with ('#' or '-' or '[A-Z]')
#      or (containing `-debug` transactions)
#      or (containing write-backs only)
# 2. *match* 
#      \1 time stamp
#      \2 stall cycles
#      \3 program counter
#      \4 encoding
#    …and move \1 to the front separating fields using `|`
# 3. print 0 as latency for 2nd instruction in dual-issue bundle
# 4. print 1 as latency for instruction with no stalls
# 5. print latency for all other instructions
# 6. *delete* (enter|leave) micro-ops using *awk*
sed '/(^(#|\-|[A-Z]+)|\-debug|[0-9]+:[A-Z ]+\|[ ]+\|)/d
s/^([ ]*[0-9]*):[A-Z ]+([\*0-9]*)[\.: ]([0-9abcdef]+) ([^\|]+)\|/X\2 \| \1 \| 0x\3 \| 0x\4 \| /
s/^X (\| [ ]+ \|)/0 \1/
s/^X (\| [0-9]+ \|)/1 \1/
' $1 \
| awk -F '|' '
BEGIN{ pc=1 }
$5 ~ /(enter|leave)/ { print $0; pc=$3; next   }
{    if(pc==1)       { print $0;        next } }
{    if(pc!=$3)      { print $0; pc=1        } }
# --
switch ($#*) {
	case 0
	case *
		Convert $1


Using sh, GNU sed, and awk on Linux:

 $ cat cnv.sh
# -- Convert RASCAL VCS to nSIM style trace

# Example RASCAL VCS trace:
# …
# 184900:         -debug - 5e2b7f80|srl      10,[status32]   | limm:0000000a
# 185760:      86 000000b0 584a0000|movl     r0,0            | w0: r0  <- 00000000
# 185770:         000000b4 ----4104|movl_s   r1,r0           |
#       :        .000000b6 ----4204|movl_s   r2,r0           | w0: r2  <- 00000000 w2: r1  <- 00000000
# 185780:         000000b8 ----4304|movl_s   r3,r0           |
# …
# 1. *delete* lines starting with ('#' or '-' or '[A-Z]')
#      or (containing `-debug` transactions)
#      or (containing write-backs only)
# 2. *match* 
#      \1 time stamp
#      \2 stall cycles
#      \3 program counter
#      \4 encoding
#    …and move \1 to the front separating fields using `|`
# 3. print 0 as latency for 2nd instruction in dual-issue bundle
# 4. print 1 as latency for instruction with no stalls
# 5. print latency for all other instructions
# 6. *delete* (enter|leave) micro-ops using *awk*

sed -E '/(^(#|\-|[A-Z]+)|\-debug|[0-9]+:[A-Z ]+\|[ ]+\|)/d
s/^([ ]*[0-9]*):[A-Z ]+([\*0-9]*)[\.: ]([0-9abcdef]+) ([^\|]+)\|/X\2 \| \1 \| 0x\3 \| 0x\4 \| /
s/^X (\| [ ]+ \|)/0 \1/
s/^X (\| [0-9]+ \|)/1 \1/
' $1 \
| awk -F '|' '
BEGIN{ pc=1 }
$5 ~ /(enter|leave)/ { print $0; pc=$3; next   }
{    if(pc==1)       { print $0;        next } }
{    if(pc!=$3)      { print $0; pc=1        } }

ZScalar - Nein, Nein, Nein, Nein…!

If you have admin rights, you can list its status, disable, and enable it under Powershell:

> Get-NetAdapterBinding -AllBindings -ComponentID ZS_ZAPPRD
> Get-NetAdapterBinding -AllBindings -ComponentID ZS_ZAPPRD | Disable-NetAdapterBinding
> Get-NetAdapterBinding -AllBindings -ComponentID ZS_ZAPPRD | Enable-NetAdapterBinding

#Dev #Work #SNPS