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Igor Böhm

Igor Böhm

I am a Software Architect and Technical Lead at Synopsys Inc., responsible for simulation models of the DesignWare ARC EM, HS, EV, VPX DSP, as well as the new RISC-V ARC-V processor families. As a high level summary, I am well-known for designing a scalable, high-performance processor simulation framework, that withstood the test of time. Technical leadership of a globally dispersed team, coupled with the capability to deliver high-quality products on time, is another key strength of mine.

My professional and research interests include microprocessor simulation, dynamic binary translation, microarchitecture modeling, and software architecture. Over the years, I have published some academic papers, delivered public talks, and authored some non-computer science articles.


Professional Experience

Software Architect and Technical Lead — Apr 2012-Present

Synopsys Inc., Munich, DE.

Research Associate — Jun 2011-Dec 2011 (7 months)

The University of Edinburgh, UK.


White Papers



Recommendation by Bob Gable

LinkedIn recommendation by Bob Gable

“Igor has been a star software engineer, from his time at the University of Edinburgh and at Synopsys. He has three traits that combined, make him a stellar contributor. As an innovator, he developed and championed key processor instruction set technology, taking his research through multiple generations of successful product adoption and use. As a software engineer, he is highly effective working with customers in challenging technical engagements, as well as driving internal teams to achieve high standards via process and camaraderie. And personally, he is enthusiastic and passionate and was a source of energy and vision for me throughout our decade together. Highly recommended.” — Bob Gable

Recommendation by [Mitesh Shah](https://www.linkedin.com/in/mitshah/)

LinkedIn recommendation by Mitesh Shah

“Igor is a real deal. I hired him as an intern while he was doing his doctorate at University of Edinburgh and it was clear from the start he was going to be a superstar performer. We started the whole new simulation technology framework and the new team based on the research he was doing in the University and in no time we were able to release a product based on the new state of the art simulation technology with 10x perf increase, surpassing and replacing the existing solution in no time. That is still one of the proudest moments of my professional career too. Since then he continued to tech-lead to deliver new quarterly releases packed with many customer requested features and fundamental perf related wins time and again. I am so grateful to have supported him and the simulation team to achieve some amazing success together. He tech-leads the team from the front and is very good at providing useful directions. He is a powerhouse of interesting ideas and projects, to date I cherish many of the passionate brainstorming and discussions that we had during my time at Synopsys. He is passionate about highest code quality standards and provides guidance through extensive code reviews. He strives to maintain the continuity of the overall systems design. He is good at bringing complicated projects to successful completion, and visualizing the steps, tools and techniques that would get us there. He is a very good mentor for his peers and believes in strong team building. He strived to set up proper systems and guidance in place to accelerate on-boarding of new members which became exemplary in the org. I am so glad that I got an opportunity to channelize his passion and drive towards some great new product releases and customer success. I wish him all the success in the future and keep that fire burning, I am sure you will achieve even greater heights in your career.” — Mitesh Shah

Recommendation by Stephen Henry

LinkedIn recommendation by Stephen Henry

“From my experience in this industry, one seldom finds an individual that combines the highest level of ability with such great enthusiasm. Igor is one such individual. His project at Synopsys is something I have subsequently seen replicated at other companies by multiple individuals but at a far lower degree of sophistication. He is an incredibly motivating individual and a first-rate engineer. I would have no hesitation whatsoever in providing my highest level of recommendation.” — Stephen Henry



Some scripts, tools, and software of mine are hosted here:

⑨ lab ≡ cockpit ≡ Lenovo ThinkCentre M910Q tiny…

⑨ lab ≡ cockpit ≡ Lenovo ThinkCentre M910Q tiny…