- Opinion/Österreichs anbrechende Rückkehr zum Autoritarismus
- Opinion/Holocaust ≫Meltdown≪ à la Christian Ortner in ≫Die Presse≪
- Opinion/Swift Terror—How the Intelligence and Political establishment exploited an Islamic Terror Hoax
- Opinion/Die Ideologie der Feindbild—Politik gegen die Liste Gaza
- Opinion/Hamas and Yahya Al-Sinwar—Penetrating the Terror Narrative
- X/Armin Thurnher und die Deportation zeitgenössischer Faschisten
- X/≫Hysterische Psychosen≪ und die JÖH
- Opinion/Die Presse - Letter to the Editor (f.a.o. Daniel Green)
- Opinion/Israel’s argument of self-defence in Lebanon is cynical at best
- X/Deeskalation à la Oskar Deutsch
- X/Karl und die Essenz des Diplomatischen Métiers
- X/Die Palästinenser sind Schuld—Leserbrief an »Der Stürmer«
- X/NS-Vergleiche par excellence à la Schellhorn
- X/Die JÖH und die Instrumentalisierung des Verbotsgesetzes
- Activism/GAZA is on the Ballot in Austria
- Opinion/Toxischer Standard—Sulzbachers Angriff auf die Palästinasolidarität
- Opinion/Islamischer Terror - Nehammers Lieblingsschreckgespenst
- Opinion/Rafah and the Obligation of Silence
- Event/Rally for Peace in Palestine - June 01. 2024 at Vienna
- Plan9/MNT Pocket Reform
- Event/Rally for Peace in Palestine - May 24. 2024 at Linz
- Opinion/Welcome to the Military Industrial Complex
- Note/On Necessary Illusions and Hypocrisy
- Opinion/Austria Is Invoking the Nazis to Legitimize Mass Death in Gaza
- Opinion/They are all Antisemites!?
- Plan9/tlssrv(8) with Server Name Indication (SNI) support
- Note/Book: 'Everything Must Change' - Random Notes and Thoughts
- Note/International Court of Justice - Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip
- Plan9/Build
- Poem/I Am You - by Refaat Alareer
- Opinion/Atrocity Propaganda and Nefarious Bloodbaths
- Opinion/Deconstructing Hasbara about the Israel/Palestine Conflict
- Opinion/How Israel Apartheid Destroyed My Hometown
- Opinion/Gaza Fights for Freedom
- Opinion/Who Is Afraid of Solidarity?
- Opinion/Killing Gaza
- Opinion/Gaza - Audiatur Et Altera Pars
- Opinion/Manufacturing Hasbara - Cataclysm in Gaza
- Plan9/Mount Flash Card
- Opinion/Rescue The High Tech Industry
- Class/Dilemmas in Humanitarian Intervention
- Class/The Political Economy of the Mass Media (Noam Chomsky, 1989)
- Opinion/How to Stop the War in Ukraine (a thought experiment)
- Opinion/Critique of the German “Zeitenwende” (turning point)
- Opinion/Who is afraid of Peace and Diplomacy?
- Class/No Free Speech for Fascists?
- Class/The Idea of Utopia
- Class/What Would Plato Say?
- Plan9/Propaganda
- Plan9/Web Server with Go based static site generator Hugo
- Book/The Junius Pamphlet
- Book/How The West Brought War to Ukraine
- Git/Refetch Branch
- Book/On Liberty
- Memorable Quotes
- Book/Cancel Culture, Identity Politics, and Academic Freedom
- Plan9/Acme
- Darwin/Setup
- Plan9/Tunnel
- Plan9/Create 9front ISO Image
- Git/Tag with Past Commit Date
- Work/Synopsys/Notes
- Darwin/Build Notes
- Plan9/Email
- Plan9/Debugging with Acid
- Git/Pruning Branches
- Plan9/Sam
- Plan9/Vnc
- Plan9/Backup to External USB Drive
- Plan9/Virtualisation
- Plan9/Screencast
- Plan9/Remote Desktop
- Plan9/ThinkPad T420s
- Plan9/Go
- Plan9/Git9
- Who Cares?!
- 9Port/Acme with LSP
- Pub/Fast and Correct Load Link/Store Conditional Instruction Handling in DBT Systems (CASES)
- Talk/ARC Processor Summit 2019
- Pub/Mitigating JIT Compilation Latency in Virtual Execution Environments (VEE)
- Work/First Google and Now Facebook Use Our Concurrent JIT Compilation Scheme
- Work/Speed Accuracy Visibility Instruction Set Simulation Without Compromise!
- Pub/Speeding up dynamic compilation: concurrent and parallel dynamic compilation (PhD)
- Research/Industry and Research Impact of Pasta Project
- Pub/A Parallel Dynamic Binary Translator for Efficient Multi-Core Simulation (IJPP)
- Talk/Euro LLVM Conference 2012
- Pub/Efficiently Parallelizing Instruction Set Simulation (LCTES)
- Pub/Scalable Multi Core Simulation Using Parallel Dynamic Binary Translation (IC-SAMOS)
- Pub/Generalized Just-In-Time Trace Compilation using a Parallel Task Farm in a Dynamic Binary Translator (PLDI)
- Pub/Cycle Accurate Performance Modelling (IC-SAMOS)
- Pub/Integrated Instruction Selection and Register Allocation for Compact Code Generation (CGO)
- Pub/Automatic Code Generation using Dynamic Programming Techniques (MSc)
- Noam Chomsky/Rogue States